Meetup Checklist

> 1 Month Before


  1. What is the theme? (Not compulsory but it would be great to have one)


  1. Check the speaker volunteer list in our Airtable
  2. Ask anyone interested to submit the details here.
  3. One of the organizing member to prepare a backup talk.
  4. Decide the MC for the meetup.

Venue & Food

  1. How many people can fit into the venue?
  2. Is security registration required?
    • If yes, what details are required? Full Name, Phone Number, IC Number? (As an organizer we try to collect as little as possible, so don't suggest if they never ask, because they would think "let's also collect that, just in case")
    • Set the RSVP question for the meetup event to ask for those details.
  3. Is food sponsored as well?
  4. Request for HDMI cable and Mini DP.


  1. Facebook event is created with date.
  2. Meetup event is created with date.
    • Add agenda and link to the Facebook event.
    • Set RSVP limit to 1 so only event creator (organizer) will be the attendee.

2 Weeks Before


  1. Speakers list should be confirmed by now. Get each speaker to complete this form:
  2. Talk topics and description should be confirmed by now.
  3. Start asking them for deck/materials as a backup. This would nudge them to start preparing the talk.
  4. If the speaker asked for rehearsal, this is perfect time to schedule for the rehearsal date.

Venue & Food

  1. Venue should be confirmed by now.


  1. Posts in KLJS and ReactJS ReactNative Malaysia.
  2. The Meetup event should be announced to members by now.
  3. The KL React website should be updated with details.

3 Days Before


  1. Collect deck/materials from speakers. Have a brief glance on the materials to make sure they don't violate our Code of Conduct.
  2. Reconfirm the exact time of the talks with the speakers and ensure they can come on-time for their respective slot.
  3. Schedule a Google Calendar conference and invites all the speakers to accept it. This is to prepare for the workaround to share screen via Hangout if projector connection is having issue with some of the speakers' laptop.

Venue & Food

  1. Reconfirm the expected attendees count and the date/time with the venue sponsor. If attendees list is required, send a first list but highlight that it is not final.
  2. If the venue is hard to find for someone never been there (e.g. the Bangsar South Office Towers Maze), prepare a detailed instruction on how to go there in the meetup page and the website.
  3. Get the wifi password for the venue.


  1. Nudge the posts in Facebook groups by commenting or reshare if there are available slots.
    • Some people may defer decision previously, by now they should be able to decide.

1 Day Before


  1. Collect deck/materials from speakers.
  2. Provide an urgent contact number with them so they can contact us just in case anything happen

Venue & Food

  1. Submit the final attendees list to the venue sponsor.

The Day


  1. Remind speakers of their talk schedule again.


  1. Nudge the posts in Facebook groups again if there are available slots.